If life gives me lemons...

I'll have some refreshing lemon tarte instead of tequila!
 - How about you?

Dieses Motto im Hinterkopf machte ich mich vergangenes Wochenende mit meiner Mutter an den Herd. Diesmal gab es - Überraschung - lemon tarte. Die Tarte ist leicht erfrischend, zitronig und etwas sauer. Aber gemeinsam mit dem Baiser ist die Tarte herrlich frisch und süß zugleich. Hier findet ihr das Rezept von Lecker!
It has been awfully quiet here lately. This has been due to a lack of creativity, a lack of bakig ideas and a lot of work at school. Last weekend, I finally had the chance to spend some time in my hometown again. Me and my mom started another late-night baking session with the goal of eventually trying something completely new. We usually only make the typical cakes - chocolate, cream cheese, and fruits are our standard ingredients. This time however we tried lemon tarte! I had only tried it once before. So this was definitely a new land. Here you'll find the recipe, if you have questions about the recipe in English, just contact me!

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